Friday, July 5, 2024

Wow, The Memories!

Yea, I Think I Miss You Too

5 Nov 2007

Oh, I didn't have internet connectivity.
At customer site.

Hmm... my day was wierd... you should have sms me or something.
I can call you.

It was a strange day for me. I went there not knowing who are the
E/// staff. So I simply muka tebal go and ask one guy, he said he
is E/// staff but not the same project. So I asked, who is working
on Charging project?

He turns around and shouted,"Hey! WHo's on charging project??"
Aiseh! How about that for low profile.

One guy looked up and said, Me. He introduced himself. Anyway long
story short, i think he and i cannot tahan each other.

He typical nerdy kind. Like stress out when he talks but he said that
is just the way he talks. I laugh at him because of that.

Then one point, we started having verbal argument. LIke this:

Me: What time are you going home?
He: I am thinking of going home early today.
Me: Well, then give me the documents you have on this project.
He: Which one?
Me: All of them.
He: Well.... you are definitely not demanding, are you?
Me: I have been told that.
He: Look, I am not your mentor or anything.
Me: I never say you are.
He: Fine, read this part of the document.

I looked at it for a while, then,

Me: Wow! This IS interesting!
He: Is that sarcasm?
Me: No... it is interesting.
He: Eh? glad you like it.

Afiza.... i cannot stand him!!! I think we both so sampat la! It will be a loooooong 2 months project.

6 Nov 2007

Hmm.... We talk like fighting couple, I suppose. How gross.

He: So wat have you learned so far?
Me: Why? is there a test?
He: No... I don't care at all.

God... I think I will kill him.


Hahaha! I think so.

It is quite funny. I told my mum, the more he show me muka sakit perut like that, the more I want to make fun of him.

Anyway the worst part? My solutions architect (smart guy) was eating the dust from the cable tie (those metal thing use to tie the wires together).

He didn't swallow it.
He was putting it near his mouth when thinking, then after a while, he licks it then put it in his mouth....

EH that thing is from the floor or something lah!

I told my mum, smart ppl are weird!!!

This is my hair & how it looks in front

20 Nov 2007

Finally!! LOL.
I made friends with that irritating guy... turns out he is quite nice.
I think that time... is because he was sick or going to get sick. SO
attitude abit. LOL

He was quite concern for me (work related) yesterday. So I feel good.
today I am going to ask all the melbourne guys if they want me to
bring them around.

They sorta said sg is boring because nobody brings them around.

Nobody at site today
22 Nov 2007

You are so funny!

Hmm... Today I feel much better and in my elements. But I avoid "black
hole" at all cost.
For me, blackhole is blackhole loh. Avoid at all cost. Don't look at
the face, therefore, my sunshine won't get suck out of me.

I don't want ler... I want to have a peaceful working life. As in it's
all about work. If it's war, it's about work. Not personality clash.

Simple as that. :)

No wonder your face emotionless about the monsoon runtuh kedai! Kena
act like that all the time. Kesian
Which I hope you don't watch now. Watch it later, at home.
Don't want ppl to think you are lazy.

Anyway yang baik hati punya orang dah sampai... the bibir dan hidung besar.
wahahaha.... ok ok I will check it out tonite.

U should give the baik hati a proper name instead of hidung adn bibir
besar.. bcos it will only make me imagine his face to be like Mr
Potato!!! (the one from Toy's story)..... kesian la...
Ok lo then, mr potatohead

Hey! I asked my mum
2 Dec 2007

Anyway, hari ini blackhole bersembang dengan saya. Dia tanya bila nak
bawa dia pergi makan..... Ar?
Dia duduk sebelah saya lah!!

Pushing Daisies
3 Dec 2007

Si blackhole, yang bergaduh dengan saya hari tu, duduk sebelah saya.
Tapi, hari ni mood dia baik. Bersapa dengan saya dan tanya bila nak makan malam bersama... Aiyo...

Ya. on another note.
Gua bawa dodol ke office hari ni. Dia makan leh... Hmmm tapi dia kata macam moshi. Aik! No leh!

My team are not here. Feels so peaceful.
4 Dec 2007

:) Did I tell you I saw my ex-colleagues at the customer site on
Monday? I hug Nathan (photo in my website) and cried.

Anyway, that is that lah...

Remember I told you there is another guy who joined around the same
time as me? We bitch about the dept over coffee break yesterday.
Apparently he felt the dept damn strange too :P


Something funny happened.

We were gonna order pizza in and we wanted to find out the delivery
time between 2 pizza place:
1. Pizza Hut
2. Rocky's Pizza

Bila si blackhole mula bercakap dalam telephone, dia buat suara macam perempuan.
Ya lah. Saya pun terikut buat suara india

6 Dec 2007

Anyway on anohter note... I was having fun with "blackhole"(nerdy guy who argues with me, remember?) yesterday.
And today, I feel good talking to the non antisocial ppl in the company.

Btw, my company... well my dept is antisocial.


Singapore office:

Don't talk to each other during office hours.
Go lunch alone, don't invite you, or even if invited you, terlupa
you... so you like tercicir tepi jalan.
Don't hang out after work. (Yesterday night I went squash with ex colleagues).
If got company event, never go.
It's like... stealthy movement lah...

Tell you a funny story--

Yesterday, none of the sigapore ppl around at the customer site, just me  and the melbourne ppl.

So yesterday, we wanted to order pizza delivery, and it was raining.

So I called Rocky Pizza and asked how long will it take. they said 1
hour. So i said, "it's too long. cannot faster? So you mean raining so
it's slow? Ok fine, I will call pizza hut and if they can't deliver
faster than you, I will call you back."

Everyone was laughing.

Then blackhole called pizza hut. the moment he answers call, he make
like girl voice.... which we all laugh like crazy lah.

When the operator confirm his phone number for him, he answers
"Really? That is my phone number? I didn't know that. Thanks for
telling me"

"The address here is 40 woodlands road. What do you mean you cannot
find it? That is the address! It is singtel building, you can't miss

This went on for a while, because the operator had prob understanding
his directions or something. Then he puts the operator on speaker
phone,"Please don't talk for a while because I am going to put you on
speaker phone, ok?"

*puts on speaker*

"Did you speak in the last 10 seconds? Because I wouldn't know"

*laugh laugh*

"You want my name....?" *he looks at everyone*

I said, whatever lah, rocky 5 lah. Which the operator ignored.

"My name is Dxxxo. D-x-x-x-O. That is my real name. Yes it is." He
looks at me and said,"My real name is just as bad har?"

Moody was looking at me and said, "Why don't use Nick's name??" We
were laughing very hard now.

"How long will it takes for you guys to get here? 1 Hour?!?!?! WHat??"

*He speaks to us* I will use my power of negotiation now.

"If I say I will call your competition, Rocky Pizza, will you be able
to deliver it faster? No?? But I am going to call your competition!
Don't you want to keep your customer?"

By this time, we laugh until terguling-guling and our faces all red liao.

In the end, we called Rocky Pizza.

10 Dec 2007

the other guy, Jac, who was here same time as me, we are very close
because we are against antisocials. We are the only members of this
underground "Againsts E Anti-Socials" group
Hahhaha sounds so yakuza.

Anyways, once, they said "lunch"
then when Jac said,"Ok i go toilet"
came out of toilet, nobody there. when they come back, he asked hey,
you guys forgot me. Then they were all like... ooh we went in car
So... poor Jac, went to lunch alone... That was the 1st or 2nd week
for him in E///...

We really draw strength from each other. He is in Brunei now... For 1
month. He was sort of looking at me last week if I will be posted to
brunei also. I told him no loh.... kesian. today he msn me from
brunei... Like so kesian har?

Hello Good Morning
10 Dec 2007

Me too. Learned alot from Mr. Potatohead last night.

Man... can fall in love with him sial...


LOL. Ok lah.... He is really nice.
Somehow, in my eyes, he is a chinese boy LOL.
He acts like one.

Very thoughtful and considerate, not like blackhole!!! But also kesian, he's stuck between blackhole and me. Sometimes blackhole say something unkind i just mouth "i hate him" to mr. potatohead.

But he is so nice. Teach me so much. So happy

Funny Quote
11 Dec 2007

Yep :)

Hari ni terindu potatohead.
Terasa nak ajak dia makan leh... Minggu depan dia balik...

Something to make your day
17 Dec 2007

Ya... sigh... argued again with blackhole. about other things.
Kami bersembang pasal berapa bahasa yang gua tau. Saya kata, melayu,
cina, kantonis.... dan...
Cepat-cepat dia sampuk, "Dan english yang tak bagus"
Gua malas nak kata, jarang menyampuk kamu sebab saya tak suka kamu....
tapi biarlah. Geram betul. Dia ingatkan saya punya english tak bagus!

Today's ups and down
21 Dec 2007

Oh you poor thing.

My side is less hectic. Blackhole went back for 2 weeks. Which makes
me feel so much relieved and less stressed.

But I rindu abit? I've been thinking about all the arguments we've had
and I have to admit, it's quite funny. But of course, I really rindu

Went for drinking of wednesday night with my friend, Mei Ling (working
in Switzerland). She actually said, she wish she is here. That having
old, old friends is so different from colleagues etc. I understand
EXACTLY how she feels... I was holding her hand at that time. Gosh,
she makes me so lesbian :)

That is all from my side.

busy har
27 Dec 2007

Ya I know... there's thousand and 1 things i dont understand. I feel the same. I really want to be so expert at it leh...

You know... Grrr... But you know what? Even I am surprised at myself. I calculated. Been here less than 2 months. Already understand enough... More than some ppl in fact. So I feel happy when I think of it like that.

Anyway, one of the few friends I have in E/// sg might quit. He is waiting for counter offer from the company. He already resigned.

Ooooh well...

I wish potatohead is here for a longer time. I mean he has been here since jan 2007. But I wish he is here longer later on. I feel so much more confident with him around.

He will leave for good at end of Jan next year. so sad right? :(

how are you feeling today?
28 Dec 2007

Yes. I so agree.

Some ppl I never meet again and yet I think about them sometimes.

It's so true isn't it?

I got a feeling I won't see potatohead again after this. And this article makes me feel good :)

How are u?
3 Jan 2008

OOohhhh cannot ah...

In your job, must be thick skin and not sensitive... But you knwo what? me too lah... I very mind what blackhole says... Hmmm... blackhole just reached site about 15 minutes ago. I pretend I don't know him. He didn't greet me either Hmmm....


Ya.... when i first become teamlead, you know what i do?
I go and take directing stage/play workshop, to learn how to be a good leader/director.

LOL, it was helpful.

Yes... I am extremely sensitve when i PMS.

I am used to it already lah... ex-bf always says that, "What's wrong with you? PMS?"
Woo hooo ...
4 Jan 2008

yes yes!

baru bersembang dengan potatohead dan blackhole semasa makan tengah hari. Kelakar jugak.

dan berkerja keras. rasa gembira sekali.

semalam... masa balik, si blackhole kata "selamat tinggal". Saya tak jawab, orang lain lambai dan jawab. Lepas tu, dia pun kata,"Kenapa ni? Kita dah tak berkenalan lagi?"

Muka saya merah! Aiya. Entah kenapa... Saya pun jawab,"Kamu yang tak bersapa dengan saya dulu..."


ya... last time, ppl more innocent: tian zhen.

first bf/gf... married... then realised... the husband fell in love with a prostitute. wants a divorce, then wife doesnt let. so what happens?

usually gentle husband "wwf" the wife... hak-chiar!

siao... no way for me.
How is ur day??
13 Jan 2008

I had a great weekend...

:P manja dengan si moody... Wahahaha! I will tell you about it all... but it was quite funny.


I mean i was busy earlier, now is ok...

mmmm saya sangat minat si moody... tapi rasanya... macam tu lah...


One part, we were bored because si blackhole nak tengok dan kacau pelacur.
So we were standing there looking at the crowd dancing spastic.

Then i said, damn... that person is dancing badly, makes me want to show them what dancing is all about.

dia bagi muka macam, i dare you. i paiseh terus. tengok lantai.
lepas tu, jenguk dia masih muka macam tu. saya betul betul malu. jadi tangan saya sentuh muka dia, buat dia paling ke kiri. :P opportunist!


Mmmmm... saya tanya kenapa kamu tak ada gf. dia kata sebab dia selalu di luar negara... macam kesian jugak...
Tapi, dia akan balik dan tiada di sini lagi. bulan depan. Haiz... itulah.. my "season"

tomorrow night
21 Jan 2008

our project will go live.

quite worried...

btw, gembira sekali dgn si moody dan blackhole, malam sabtu.

Saya rasa... moody minat saya lah! Yahoooooo! Tapi blackhole macam minat juga... EeeeeeeEEee

The Blackhole & Moody Saga

 23 Jan 2008

You won't believe what happened...

We had the night job. But moody left customer site at 6pm... means he didnt sleep for 24 hours...

So I went out with blackhole and another melbourne office guy (chinese from sze chuan).

Had dinner, went to Chinatown for photographs... Then went back to blackhole's apartment for movie... Then szechuan guy left at about 1am... We are all tired actually. Night job mess up the bio cycle.

Then blackhole and i watch movie (i just wanted to wait for moody to wake up).
We put our legs up on the same chair. He usap2 his feet on me... Emily..... How am I supposed to respond to that?
Basically he lies 2/3 on the couch and legs on chair. While 1/3 of the couch is me and legs on chair.
I was tired. So he puts one pillow between us. Then I put my head on the pillow lah... sudah tired.
Then he talks to me bla bla.
He said, "your openness is just an act. Actually you are just a sissy."
I said, "I am not wild. I haven't done it"
He terperanjat. Then he laughs and said he is right!
Then later he kept like talking to me like softly you know... eeeeeeeeeeeeeerr... I kept asking, you think moody woke up already?
He said, "Why? you are in love with him?" I diam.
Then he said, "Why do you always look at me funny?"
I admit ya lah... last time I bored, then will look at him.
I replied, "Trying to figure you out"
"I was bored"
*laughs* "You are lying. I know why, but I want to hear it from you"
Then he touches my hair... my fringe. I just move my head away a little.
"You're like a scared little girl. *laugh* I find that very cute"
Then he touches the hair near my ear!!!! Emily!!!! :(
I said, "Please don't touch me"
Then he laughs, stand up and went to his bedroom and tidur.

I tertidur on the couch for a while. But after that, I went to him and said I am leaving because I can't sleep ont he couch. He said, you can sleep on the bed beside me (looks like an innocent offer from his part). I said no thanks *smile*. He said, too bad, that is all I can offer.

I said nights bye. Left.

Emily.... DRAMA TAK? So I came back and email you before I forget.


Hahahha... Ya lah! I told you!
Is taht why moody rush to his apartment the last time? To make sure I am ok?

Training now

23 Jan 2008

I know... I am fine. I will say, hormones is normal. I think maybe I give wrong signals too lah...

He wouldn't dare to whatever. He is not that kind. You know? Masih nak kerja bersama. Sekarang ni, saya harus initiate bercakap dengan dia dulu. Dia pun faham lah.

I won't tell moody. Never. Unless he told moody. I won't. It's my fault. I can give wrong signals sometimes one.
I am too friendly.

Emily! If I like him, I won't mind that... But my hati dekat si moody! You get what I mean? He wasn't rude or whatever. He got the wrong signals from me.


LOL. I don't really remember doing that. But I am sure it does sound like me.

Moody... is too shy. Yesterday something bad happened with the new system. And he was busy trying to find out the cause. I called my group leader, above Mr. Nua nua, whom I totally respect, and he told me some solutions. I asked group leader, "but i am so new, how can i give this suggestion?" Group leader said, "You tell him to call me"

I stop moody outside the door, and told him my leader's suggestions. He gave me a strange look. Like he is grateful... 1. that someone understands the situation 2. that i am around(?) 3. that i care(?) 4. that my solution is correct (?)
He said he got the same suggestions too from sweden (E hq). Then he didn't immediately go back in to do the work. He stood there looking at me funny. I stood there looking at him funny. I tell you.... if that is not sexual tension, i don't know what it is, man. It's like we were both standing there biting our lips, looking at each other.


So moody in the other room. I didn't look at blackhole just now. But I should SHOULD act normal.


Hahhaha... I know so drama right?

When they leave already... maybe these drama will be gone...

Anyways, the prob yesterday is not solved. So he has to deal with it today. It was only 80% solved. And another 20% needs urgent attention.

Heroic Act

28 Jan 2008

Told the Beijing lady about my crush.

She said ok wor... She said moody is quite good looking... :P

What do you think?

30 Jan 2008

Blackhole was really sick on Sunday. I don't know what happened lah...

Then he went home on Monday.

Someone called him on monday asking what he did, he said drink and bad girls.

So fine.

Then I left a get well message on his facebook.

He replied:

didn't think you will give a flying fuck. guess you are full of surprises.
anyway i am all well etc etc...

Emily... what does this mean?


He can't like me that much!

I refuse to believe it!


I am not playing with his mind!

I don't know what's his intentions either!


Not here. He might be coming to site again... I don't know. All these human emotions' making me depress...


He might not think so. but he is quite important to me for my time in E///...


maybe i should tell him that.


I read his reply...

My mail was:
I care. You are quite important to me.

His reply:
? I will try not to read into that last sentence too much.


Damn it. What he wants?
He has always been nasty to me.
I told Guang Zhou boy. GZ boy said,"I thought you always fight with him?"
I said, ya!!!
He said,"Perhaps he has a peculiar way of showing the affection."



Ya, I didn't reply. Don't want to confuse myself either. But my overall mood is just pensive. I really want to see moody... But he is so freaking busy!


4 Feb 2008

Fantastic. Knowing that moody will be around... for the next project.

Smiling like an idiot


Aaah? he said I like to hit ppl. I am master in hitting ppl.



Ya hor... he also never elak. let me hit him only...

13 Feb 2008

Hahha I know why
because this document says
Dan / Daniel.

Anyway I think he is in japan now. We were talking and wondering if our japan trip will be the same time. But apparently not. So like that loh.

group photo

19 Feb 2008

Mmmm... today I was feeling abit sad. My indian colleagues flying off tonight. We hang out and really open our hearts out for the last 2.5 months... We were all quite sad.

For me lagi sad, because now I have to deal with the crazy sg ppl. Hahaha. i think i just do my work only. And talk to moody. That is all. I don't need or want to talk to them.
I am on my way to becoming just like them, aren't i? I REALLY understand your lab now... Because my current environment is EXACTLY like your lab.

20 Feb 2008

I actually, personally, heartfully think that moody is so much good looking than blackhole!
Moody looks so kind and sweet.... no, u know what... he looks like the good guy in those movie..... :)
I dunno.. may be I have lower my expectation about mooody... even though he's not super model look alike.. but he reminds me of the handsome Adam Sandler( i hope I pronounse it correctly)........


I show you a conversation i had with my boss yesterday, i was so distraught i typed it out. After I did, I cried....

Boss:"How are you getting along so far?"
Me:"I am fine. Well not really getting along too well but I am surviving. I am tough."
Boss:"Do you go out for lunch with them?"
Me:"Not much. We all just go for lunch at our own time."

Boss:"Yes, I can see there's a rift there already."
Me:"It's fine. I can take it. I can take this suffering. I can take alot of shit.
I came from a tough environment. I can take it all. For the love of telco, I will do anything.
As long as you tell me it's not all in vain. I don't want to know that in the end, I take all this crap for nothing. Even if the people are quite mad, I can take it.
I am allowed to be emotional, can't I? I am but just human. I've kept it in me all these times. I just kept it inside. 3 months. 3 long months. How these 3 months have changed me.
Even my voice has changed. How I miss my ex-colleagues.
*more tears*
Oh, damn it! I need tissue."

Boss:"Don't change. We want you to be exactly the way you are. We wish there's more like you."

Me:"My tears are flowing because I've kept it in for so long. My anger, frustration; it's all coming out now. I held it in for so long..."
Boss:"Don't change."
Me:"You know what? I don't need to talk to anyone. I have all the E/// documents. It will see me through. I don't need to talk at all. I don't need them."

Boss:"You learn very fast. And your group leader sings praises of you. A guy who doesn't ever praise anyone. It could cause a certain negative feelings among others."

Me:"If he did say that, I certainly am not aware of it. But you see, I already have the background. If I am incapable, then I must have been lying about my experience."


Ya... but I feel like I am dreaming / walking in a dream.

I just wait for moody to come back. That is it.

See, it's like this

28 Feb 2008

Semalam kali pertama saya nampak dia. Sejak dia balik.
Dia duduk dekat saya.... bincang kerja. Terasa sangat nak cium dia sekali lagi!!!



Oh girl...

Quite sure got something.

Sebab pagi semalam ada meeting, lepas tu, ternampak dia jenguk saya! :D



6 March 2008

wah... susan's face bengkak....

btw :D. tell you something eer... that day i sedih at work, then eer moody hug me :P not sleazy kind. long story how it happened.


sad thing is kena complain about work attitude by internal ppl. actually just my team. they all too free lah, banyak complain.
then i told moody, then when we were walking back from lunch, i said "i need a hug" he went "har?"
i said it 2 more times. then he look left, look right, look behind (my team walking behind us). then he put his arm around my shoulder. so funny.

The tooth..

7 March 2008

My boss was saying... like that sure no time for anything. just work and studies. I said, gua memang tak de life. Then he goes hmm... and told me to go back to office more often for meetings so tak tercicir di lalang-lalang.

Then i asked lah, "kalau saya dan si Moody terlalu mesra... ada prob ke?"
He asked, "You got prob with that?"
I said, "No but kan this company banyak protocol"
He said,"Off office hours. Not here lah, apa dah!"

So funny to have a malay boss.


On the subject of that, did I tell you Moody was trying to tell me the word "makan malam" but i totally ignore him?


yes. to some extend can feel he pampers me abit. plus i am one of the younger(youngest maybe) in the team.

chinese? ya, you can learn! it will be so funny... lol. damn... on the subject of language. japanese! i must learn some this time!

lol no lah.
he said it well. he did some project in indonesia for a while...
he was just trying to say that he was at eer israel, and the road name is makan_mala and if you add a "m" is makan malam. I was thinking about my essay for submission at that time, so i totally ignored him.
he is very concious of the fact that i am malaysian.

why har? like makes me feel so paiseh.

well the makan malam thing... very funny.

me: Nicholas, can i hitch a ride with you?
Moody: eer i am going to <his apartment>.
me: so?
Moody: well... you can go there.
me: and do what? i dont want to go home with you. i want to go my home.
Moody: what about dinner?
me: i want to go home.

lol it was the night of my essay submission. so of course lah, i stress!

i am telling you man, we are so stupid when it comes to trying to ask each other out.

malam khamis

16 March 2008

pergi makan malam bersama. :P

sembang banyak sekali... terasa bagus lah... hahhaha.

memang ada chance!

Hi girl, don't be sad
18 March 2008

I am just telling you what I feel, from your story. It is just your side of the story.

Anyways, we have someone there for us. You have lutlut. Try to understand the whole situation from him first.

Knowing only half the story is not good enough.

You think I am not sad? Next year and yeaaaaaaars to come, moody won't be there. Then what will become of me?

I dare not even start to think.

You like her right?

21 March 2008

So far is normal. I am late for work, as usual. :S

But life is good. I feel confident. I think moody is not here this week. But I cannot be sure. Whatever lah.


Hahha. So profound and funny.

Blackhole talked to me again today. Phew... I was seriously holding my breath. Thank goodness.

Vin told me

29 March 2008

Haha... Today hang out with Vin...

Hehehe korek some rahsia.
He said, he heard from (blackhole or moody???) that moody has some kinda girl thing. So I said oh... where?
he said, I will suppose here because he is mostly in sg, isn't he?
I was like ooh. Ok I can ask moody.
He said, I will suppose it is recent because the last time I was here (Oct 2007), there was no girl.
I was like I can ask moody.
He said, No I am asking you if you knew.
I said, I am not aware woh.
He said, well do you spend a lot of time with him?
I said, yes I do.
Then he said, is it you?
I said, eer... I don't think so.
He said, But you said you spend a lot of time with him.
I said, I don't spend that much time with him.
He doesnt know what to say.
So I answered, "Well I didn't sleep with him if that is what you want to know"

Feeling good today. Yourself?

6 April 2008

hari ni... hari jadi si moody... dan blackhole di sini lah... tapi belum jumpa dia orang lagi... haiz...


dont think so. really need moody now. want to ask him something.


ya, but we are all over the place. you think what? i am at customer site. he is not. so SAD :P



7 April 2008

I saw blackhole just now. I think I hugged him more than 5 times. Hmm...


Hahha. at first he was like "now what does it says when someone likes us more than their own colleagues?"

Then at the last time, he pat my head and said, "Hey, now now. This is asia, people might get the wrong idea. Or I might be in for a lawsuit"


But he was very terperanjat when he realised I did not meet moody last week. Hmm...
Btw, how's your studying coming along?


not yet. hari ni mesti tabahkan diri. cium dia!


8 April 2008

So when I knew, I was quite sad. I didn't tabahkan diri to do it though. I was more sedih.

When we were walking out of the place, I hold his hand. He let me. I was walking behind him, so he put his hand behind to let me hold? Aaahh!


Apparently, they are dropping moody from the project.

They've hired someone else to take over his things. Which is crap because that guy is lousy.

I feel sad. His last month here is May. Damn it. Why?

God is unfair. lol


Well, the only way is if the customer requests for him directly. Or the guy who takes over him mess up big time (very likely).

Ya. Must tabahkan diri!

In the cab, he was explaining something about work to me, I touch his face then he asked me,"What is that about?" I paiseh I look down and shake my head. Then pretend nothing happened and continue talking.



I can tell... he pays alot of attention to me yesterday.
When I held his hand, and asked him, is he quitting E///, that is why he won't be here in June. He paiseh. He let go of my hand and told me because sg branch drop him from the project. He is too expensive.

Partly, maybe, he paiseh because in front of everyone. You know, I don't care one...


Plans, plans!

8 April 2008

Semalam... got news...

That Moody will only be here till May.


Because they drop him from the singapore project. Too expensive to hire. Hire some other india engineers.

I am so sad. I pegang tangan dia semalam dan kata jangan pergi, lah.... :(


I am not sure. I just found out last night.

Ugh. So sad.

Yesterday night, when he said goodbye, he said,"See you...whenever."

Today, I geram I sms him:
No. You are not allowed to see me whenever. Make it a point to see me.

I know he won't answer one. Too shy.
Yesterday he was so concerned. Force me to makan the pizza. Take my bag for me. Makes me lagi sad.

10 April 2008

Behind his back, I call him monyet.

Anyway, harap dapat bersembang dengan dia sedikit malam ni. Sebab... hmm... entahlah, terasa marah juga.

gua bagi tau cerita pasal moody kepada Vin
10 April 2008

Dia kata harus bagi tau moody.
Sebab moody tak tau bahawa saya suka dia.

What do I do?

Vin is leaving today at 4 pm... So tonight, if blackhole never invite me for dinner, then I won't be able to have dinner with moody.


I am pissed off with him now. Whatever.


11 April 2008

I told him liao.

1 am confused...
16 April 2008

i told my majikan about moody. he said we should try. i said... cannot lah. we both ego besar.

Apa khabar...
17 April 2008

Semalam, moody, saya dan seorang customer kerja sampai pukul 12:30am.

Bila dia sampai lepas makan tengah hari, kami malu bersembang. But suddenly I realised i did something careless mistake and i turn around to tell him. He started laughing.

Then we started talking like normal again. I ask him about work, he explains. We joke about work and show off like sebelum the confession & courageous act (on my part).

I am glad... :)

But at one point, blackhole called him and he pass the phone to me. Har????


He was talking to blackhole, suddenly, he pass the phone to me and said, blackhole wants to talk to you.

I was like "har??"

but i talk to blackhole anyways... blackhole sounds shy on the phone.


Haha... Had a relaxing lunch (2.5 hours) with blackhole.

He is really funny and quite nice.

Haha. Makes me laugh.

how r u today?
22 April 2008

Hati sakit abit thinking of moody and him leaving.

Andy is in the company already. We've been bitching about the company abit. Hmmm... Nice.

Finished my work yesterday night at approx 1am. So there. Puntianak complains and complains. Well I did my work.


I am quite happy. Yes... going off next friday night. Can't wait. Feels like forever...

Now clearing all my work.

I miss moody. :|
With him, I can say anything and learn so much. He will really train and train me. Even though, sometimes my brain macam bodoh abit. :|

No. Haven't seen him at all this week.
Only last week, that thursday where we worked really late & talked alot.

I hope he misses me. I think he will :P

More Plans
28 April 2008

Har har. Ya... Moody saw that dress and kept looking at it like I salah zaman.
But I don't care lah!

6 May 2008

woah i just typed some gibberish.... i miss moody. everything reminds me of him. and i cant stop talking bout blackhole to my friend...
i am useless....

8 May 2008

Have to be a new start. Today was at imperial palace. when i was walking and taking pictures, i said out loud, why did you have to tell me you jog here? now everything reminds me of you.

good luck in your exams!
12 May 2008

yes i do. :)
i am feeling pretty good... soul is left in tokyo, of course.
moody is back here this week. because something bad happened. my boss talked to me this morning, asking me if i knew about the things he did and did i help him. i said no. he said thank god. because now our 2 depts fighting over the problem.

(no subject)
13 May 2008

I am great.
Semalam jumpa moody. He is here for a week. Some probs arised.

We talked and talked so much.


Ya, I know. My boss wanted to make sure that he said "none of us in our dept knew about this or have anything to do with it" we really DONT know.
die die if i was involved, sure kena bullet.

So now he is sure i did not help. then he felt better.

yael naim
15 May 2008

I am on cloud night. Wearing the silver pendant, showing off to Moody, telling him we made it.

Listening to your music, remembering the drive to the cabin house.

Feeling happy. So many fantastic things happened to me over the past week.... I can die happy now.

oh ya, can send the kinky boots - i am beautiful?
15 May 2008

What did blackhole say abt the panda thing? Havent give is it? oh..he's not around i forgot

Ya, only Moody is here, for a week, I guess.

Blackhole? Not around. I gave to Moody to bring back to blackhole but blackhole is going Egypt (I want to go also) for work. 3 months. So nice......

A new day
20 May 2008

Wow! So happening :)

I am trying to adjust to the fact that moody is not and won't be here at work anymore. I can take it, I am sure.

22 May 2008

Hey Cool!

Me? Sore throat. But went home and be with the family over the weekend. Definitely makes me feel better.
I think I am suffering from mild depression but I am too proud to admit it (the whole Moody thing, since I never emo about it).

Anyways, I was just thinking as I was getting dressed today, how would you dress to work. Hahaha.

I am wearing Melissa's grandma's dress from that 2nd-hand shop mah....

25 May 2008

 feel the nothing-ness, nowhere-ness today too. When Moody is around, I managed to show him I am capable, so he will include me in all the work, and it's so fun to work together etc.

But now, the freaking apu-neh neh like see me still so new at work, just say,"Why you doing this? It's not your job"

It is my job. To know and do. But wtf lah...

But then, he invites me to his apartment for dinner (with his wife, of course). I said ooh sorry, i am quite busy with classes etc (walaupun belum start lagi). Then he said, ooh is it? what are you studying? I said Masters Science. He said, "Oh I have a masters too"
Seriously, I couldn't be bothered lah... But whatever. Listen only.


I have no one either. My manager lah, the malay guy. Quite nice. But he is so busy I feel bad to trouble him too much.
He was talking to me about Mody like marah2 why we couldn't work it out.

How r u?
26 May 2008

somewhat depressed.... but it's ok... missing moody.

Feeling nua.

Hey there
23 Jan 2009

I am single because my mum only want sepet. and you know... my situation so far is constantly like non-sepets... So hard lah... Then to find someone who can click with me also susah... I mean... you know... Which is why I like moody so much. He is like me! Totally mean and all that... And hairy... Lol. quite like hairy guys... One girl told me, baik you go zoo and have breakfast with orang utan.

I am writing a very important document
3 March 2009

for the presentation this friday... and I can't find a particular technical reference...
So I went and check moody's note that he gave me...
and it's there...

At that moment, I actually said in my heart, "Oh I so love you."

And then I thought what am i saying???

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